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How can you convert to Judaism in Israel?

Learn how a lawyer specializing in conversion can help you navigate the complex process of converting to Judaism in Israel, whether through the government system or private religious courts.

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Converting to Judaism, civil status in Israel, how to convert to Judaism, immigrating to Israel

Conversion in Israel is not merely a religious or halakhic process. It is a deeply personal journey, which contains a broad array of legal consequences. For many, the decision to convert is a meaningful life event, which begins with the desire to adopt the Jewish lifestyle and take part in the community.

Nonetheless, the Israeli conversion process can be complex and sometimes suffused with challenges. This is because, in spite of explicit court rulings, the Ministry of Interior still places many obstructions and requirements in the path of many converts, even though they underwent a Halakhic conversion process out of a sincere and serious desire to embrace Judaism and join the Jewish People.

These complexities may generate a situation in which Halakhic Jews are not recognized as such by the state, and do not benefit from all that this recognition entails. State recognition of an individuals Judaism are relevant to the matter of the Law of Return, to the matter of unification of families, to the matter of the population registry, and also to a broad host of other administrative affairs.

So how can you effectively convert in Israel?

Here, the experts of Frankel, Amsalem Associates present to us, in light of their extensive legal experience in the field,

several pointers and emphasis that are worthy of notice.

First of all, is legal assistance always required to undergo conversion?

There is no legal requirement to utilize the assistance of a lawyer in order to convert.

Nonetheless, entering the process in advance with suitable legal accompaniment can make all the difference later down the road. What difference? The difference between doing things correctly and less correctly, as will be manifested when it comes to secure state recognition of the conversion.

A lawyer with knowledge and experience in the field will be able to foresee these circumstances in advance, observe in advance potential complexities , formulate recommendations for the convert and pave with him the road to channels that will ensure a minimum of challenges down the line, when the time comes for the convert to apply for recognition of the religious and/or civil status of his conversion.

There are several reasons why legal accompaniment or legal consultation can be highly significant in this regard, provided it is acquired before you initiate the process.

Here are several of main advantages we can enjoy through it.

  • First, the lawyer is familiar with the procedures individuals converting in

    Israel must undergo, and knows the various authorities involved in these

    procedures. Hence, he may be able to provide the best line of approach to

    carry out the process so that it flows forward, unobstructed.

  • Proper preparation for the conversion process in can considerably simplify the

    process. Among other things, the lawyer will assist you in concentrating all of

    the required documents and ensuring they are suitable and from a reputable

    source. Oftentimes, unsuitable document are a central cause in delays versus

    the Ministry of Interior.

  • In addition, legal consultation enables you to receive referrals to institutions

    which are recognized and specifically cited in legal rulings for conversion

    purposes, which the Interior Ministry does not contest.

Often, converts sign up to a conversion class that is not recognized by the Interior Ministry, even though it is recognized by law, and this can impose considerable difficulties. Turning to the appropriate institution from the beginning can spare you a long path of thorns.

The accompaniment of a lawyer with expertise in conversion processes, will enable you to face the challenges the Ministry of Interior may retroactively raise to various stages performed in the framework of the conversion process. That means prior to the conversion process and even after it, not just during the process.

Whether affidavits from additional sources are required or whether documents you provide are not recognized, or if doubts are raised concerning the validity of your conversion, your lawyer can help you overcome this challenge.

It is important to emphasize that selecting lawyers with a background in religion and religious law may provide you with an important advantage throughout the process, for the Ministry of Interior may raise Halakhic arguments, and it is important to respond to them on the basis of in-depth knowledge.

How to convert in Israel – the entire process

The conversion process in Israel usually includes two main stages.

Conversion preparation course

First and foremost, the man must express an honest desire to undergo conversion to Judaism and to register himself to a conversion preparatory course. The lawyer can help advise you on a suitable course that is recognized by religious authorities, and which has a credible history. This preparation will include in-depth learning of the Jewish Halakhah, including Jewish holy days, Mitzva observation such as keeping the Sabbath, kosher dietary laws and family purity laws, familiarity with religious texts, basic customs such as prayers and tefillin, and participation in the life of a Jewish Community.

The conversion ceremony

Once the course is complete, and insofar as the accompanying Rabbis in the process see fit to authorize the successful completion of the process, the ceremony will be performed.

Conversion will be performed under the supervision of a recognized rabbinical court and includes bathing in the Mikveh and a blessing. In addition, men will be required to undergo circumcision. In the event that the convert is already circumcised, a symbolic bleeding will be performed.

Central issues which require the accompaniment of a lawyer during the conversion processes

A lawyer must be familiar with the personalities active throughout the process and recognize in advance the complications that might arise in the various stages. Below are some of the central milestones in the conversion journey, in which a lawyer with specialized expertise might assist.

Selecting the best conversion track

Choosing between a government conversion process and a private religious court process depends on the personal circumstances of the applicant. Sometimes the government track might be possible, but on other occasions it will not. Indeed, sometimes the government track will seemingly be possible on the technical level, but the circumstances of the conversion candidate will dictate that the process is hopeless there, and that it is better to select a private religious court. Sometimes the exact opposite may be true.

Insofar as a private religious court is selected, it is important to apply to specific courts who have already been recognized in the rulings of the courts and whose conversion the Ministry of Interior recognizes. This is a channel that can prove suitable for those who do not necessarily meet the stringent criteria of the Government institutions, but who has favorable prospects of becoming Halakhic Jews should they undergo the conversion process in the framework of a private religious court.

In accordance with the Israeli Supreme Court ruling, and that of lower instances of Israeli courts, the Ministry of Interior is obligated to recognize conversions performed in private religious courts who enjoy a status recognized as matching the legal definition of a "recognized religious court.

Conversion via a private religious court

is, as a rule, a more flexible and personalized process, which is suitable for wider


A solution for overseas nationals

Many wonder if Reform conversion is recognized in Israel. This is a question that

occupies many overseas nationals who are interested in securing naturalization by the

power of the Law of Return. It is important to know that in spite of an explicit ruling

by the Israeli Supreme Court that Reform and Conservative conversion processes are

recognized in Israel, the Ministry of Interior often obstructs and raises hindrances in

such cases.

Linguistic and cultural barriers often transform the confrontation with the Ministry of

Interior to even more complex. In order to guarantee safe passage past all of these

barriers, which oftentimes arrive in the courts, it is important to plan and prepare in

advance with a lawyer specializing in the field of conversion.

Appeal to the Exception Committee

Foreign nationals who desire to convert through the governmental system, but who do

not meet the relevant criteria, can appeal to the Exceptions Committee. This

Committee examines exceptional cases of conversion candidates who are neither

citizens nor residents and may in rare and exceptional cases authorize foreign

residents to undergo conversion in the governmental process. The Frankel Amsalem

Lawyer Office accompanies converts living in Israel as well as foreign residents who

wish to regulate their status.

Whether these are candidates who Judaism is questioned, and require a strict

conversion process, and whether they have undergone conversion in a private

religious court, be it recognized by the Ministry of Interior or not. We accompany the

converts through all the challenges and complexities to ensure that the process is as

rapid and simple as possible.

Alongside legal experience of many years in complex cases, our legal background on

the one hand, and our religious and Halakhic background on the other, enables the

Lawyers Manor Frankel and David Amsalem to provide a comprehensive and

professional solution in the field of conversion processes.

For additional information, leave your details here, and we will get back to you


For legal guidance throughout the conversion process and for more information, please leave your details.



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